A New Dawn | John Jackson Miller
Title: A New Dawn
Author: John Jackson Miller
The story mainly follows Kanan, a Jedi in hiding. He has been living on a mining world that doesn't rotate and reluctantly stumbles across a plot to boost mining productivity at the expense of the planet itself. He gets pulled into a Rebel attempt to stop this from happening.
The action sequences are mildly entertaining, but the villains are dull as dirt. And I just couldn't bring myself to care very much about the heroes. I have not watched the Disney XD series that this ties into, and this didn't make me have any desire to watch it either.
I'm throwing in the towel on the Star Wars books now. I may read one here and there, but I don't want to waste my time reading books that I'm just not that interested in. I hate saying this, but that's where we are.
Three out of five stars
"'But seeing and doing nothing isn't the worst thing,' Hera had said. 'The worst thing is to see and not to care.'"
"That's why the Emperor needs an Empire, Kanan. It's like a space slug, whose only function is to stay alive. It's got to consume, and consume, and consume."
"The mind is a dynamo in the dark, an engine endlessly running, powering nothing. It thrashes in the night, seeking daylight, inventing its own."
"He'd only known that, in the end, the Force hadn't helped her. Or any of the other Jedi he'd heard about."
The Regulators by Richard Bachman: 46%
The Witching Hour by Anne Rice: 86%
Devoted by Dean Koontz: 34%
The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett: NOW STARTING
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