
Showing posts from January, 2021

A New Dawn | John Jackson Miller

Title: A New Dawn Author: John Jackson Miller For a book that marked the reboot of the Star Wars Extended Universe, it really wasn't very remarkable. The story itself is okay, the characters are okay...but it never really got past "okay" for me. I guess I was expecting an epic story, and it just really wasn't even close to that. I just never found myself particularly interested in what was happening.  The story mainly follows Kanan, a Jedi in hiding. He has been living on a mining world that doesn't rotate and reluctantly stumbles across a plot to boost mining productivity at the expense of the planet itself. He gets pulled into a Rebel attempt to stop this from happening.  The action sequences are mildly entertaining, but the villains are dull as dirt. And I just couldn't bring myself to care very much about the heroes. I have not watched the Disney XD series that this ties into, and this didn't make me have any desire to watch it either. I'm throwing...