Prodigal Son | Dean Koontz
Title: Prodigal Son
Author: Dean Koontz
I can honestly say that I absolutely detested this book. It was boring, unoriginal, and I'm certain Mary Shelley would hate it. Koontz has basically cannibalized Frankenstein, and set it in modern times, which is something that's been done again and again. The writing was dull, and I found my mind drifted quite a bit, because it just could not hold my attention.
This was my first Koontz, and I was not impressed. I don't think I'll be eager to read another.
Two out of five stars.
"The concept of a weary severed hand, exhausted from relentless creeping, made no sense."
"When Mary Shelley took a local legend based on truth and crafted fiction from it, she'd made Victor a tragic figure and killed him off. He understood her dramatic purpose for giving him a death scene, but he loathed her for portraying him as tragic and a failure. Her judgment of his work was arrogant. What else of consequence did she ever write? And of the two, who was dead--and who was not?"
"When new hopes fail, old hopes return in the endless cycle of desperation."
"'Why would someone cut out his heart?'
Michael shrugged. 'Souvenir. Sexual gratification. Dinner.'"
The Valley of Amazement by Amy Tan: 81%
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