Last Day | Luanne Rice

Title: Last Day
Author: Luanne Rice

Have you ever read a book that felt like it would never end? Do you want to? If so, this book is for you!

In all seriousness, I have not been this bored in a very long time. The premise seems promising: Two sisters experienced tragedy when they were young, and when they are grown, one of the sisters is found dead with details reminiscent of that earlier tragedy. Who killed her?

But really, who killed her? The answer is disappointing.

This book was way too long for the depth of story, the details were extremely inconsistent, and when the dead sister started narrating, it became a little too Desperate Housewives for me--without the dark comedy, so it was just terrible.

I am glad to put this book behind me and to move on to something better.

Two out of five stars.

"There were certain rules in life that had to be adhered to. You simply couldn't come between a person and his child. That would be selfish and unforgivable."

"Motherhood. Yes, Scotty understood more than anyone what it meant to me. When I think of Sam now, what she is about to face. How will she manage? I remember how I felt when my mother died. Scholarship and achievement had been my way of healing from what the Andersons had done. But once I conceived Sam, nothing else mattered in the same way. I wanted Kate to have this too--the eternal connection to a child, the transformation from a victim who had suffered at the hands of others to a powerful woman able to give life. Lulu too--our dear and not-so-dear secretive mystery girl Lulu. It sometimes felt so unfair to me that only Scotty and I had experienced motherhood. But frankly, not everyone deserves it--not just the childless, but not even every woman who's become a mother."

"Kate's love helps me forgive myself for my own death. The choices I made, the people I hurt. But now I know--the best of us waste our time repenting, forgiving everyone but ourselves. And the worst don't even realize there is anything to forgive. Hungry ghosts wander the earth, trapped in the bardo, seeking redemption that had been there all along."

"I hope you know that about yourself, that you are perfect on your own. You have to make yourself whole--no one else can."


The Valley of Amazement by Amy Tan: 52%
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