No Tomorrow | Luke Jennings

Title: No Tomorrow
Author: Luke Jennings

If you refer back to my review of the first Killing Eve book, you will know that I was not a fan. And I'll have to say that, in spite of the fact that this book was altogether much better written than the first, I still wasn't feeling it at all. But the last third of the book really hooked me. I am absolutely obsessed now.

I'm still in the middle of watching Season 2 of the show. I'm interested to see if they take this turn with it. If not, I'm still in. I'm still amazed that they turned such a mediocre Book 1 and turned it into one of the best shows I've ever watched.

I really enjoyed how Jennings fleshed out the characters and finally brought them together. My head is still spinning. I don't know what to say!

This was going to be a three-star book for me, but, like I said, the last third of the book really reeled me in. I have to give it four out of five stars. Well done, Mr. Jennings. Can't wait until Book Three!

"Her hostile behavior had been deliberate. Men make themselves forget women who are unimpressed by them; Konstantin had taught her that. And no one at Fort Bragg remembers Sylvie Dazat."

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