Relentless Shadows and the MBeckelhimer Book Reviews Podcast

Hey everyone!

It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted. I am actively reading, but I've started on a couple of new endeavors that I wanted to let you know about.

First of all, my first book has been published. It is available on Kindle and in paperback via Amazon. You can find it here. It's a book of poetry, poems that were written over a period of about fifteen years. I will warn you that it's pretty dark at parts. It's mostly a glimpse at some of the darkest parts of my life. But there are some happy poems in there, too, so don't be put off by that. I've basically poured my heart and soul into this book, and I would appreciate it if you would give it a read (it's short; you'll breeze right through it), and then review on Amazon and Goodreads.

Second of all, in case you haven't gotten the memo, I have a podcast now! It's called MBeckelhimer Book Reviews, and you can find it basically anywhere you listen to podcasts. It's basically just me (joined often by my husband, Josh) talking about books and life. It's weird for me to listen to, because I hadn't realized how Southern my accent has gotten over the last several years, but it has, and I'm just going to roll with it. I love my sweet tea and biscuits and gravy. So sue me.

Since I'm updating my podcast far more than I'm updating my blog, I strongly urge you to subscribe to the podcast. We mostly keep it light, but sometimes books are heavy, so there are some heavy moments. Also, I would love to record an episode with any of my fellow book lovers, so if you're interested in doing that, please reach out. We can drink wine and talk, and it would be so fun.

Anyway, that's what I've been doing. I won't review my own book, but I should have a new review out soon(ish). I didn't mention I have the flu, did I? Yeah, that happened. I'm extremely ill. That may be why I'm rambling so much. I'm a little delirious. But whatever. I love you all! Email me at if you want to do a podcast or if you have comments on the episodes and can't or don't want to leave a voice message via Anchor, the platform I use to record.

Enough rambling now. I'll post soon! Cheers!


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