When We Believed in Mermaids | Barbara O'Neal

Title: When We Believed in Mermaids
Author: Barbara O'Neal

I actually really enjoyed this book. I liked the way the story slowly unfolded, keeping you interested without giving everything away. I liked the characters, even Josie/Mari. Even their mom. I liked the mystery of what happened to Veronica going on in the background. I liked the description of the landscape and culture of New Zealand. There was so much to enjoy in this book.

I did have one thing that bugged me, and that was the fact that the author really likes to describe what's happening in triplicate. For example, "...he kissed me, and kissed me, and kissed me." That's one example of several in the book, and she used that one more than once. It was a little distracting for me.

Anyway, it was good despite that, and I give it four out of five stars.

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