Born a Crime | Trevor Noah

Title: Born a Crime Author: Trevor Noah This is the first audiobook that I have made it through, beginning to end. And it's absolute gold. In Born a Crime, Trevor Noah takes us through his life, growing up as the son of a Swiss father and a Xhosa mother. In apartheid South Africa, his parents could have gone to prison because of their relationship and Trevor's birth. Apartheid ended when Trevor was a child, but of course the racial dynamics didn't change all that much. Trevor describes things that were very enlightening for me, things that I can never fully understand as a white woman living in America, but that I can at least get a glimpse of through his honest writing. He tells funny stories of the trouble he got into as a mischievous young man. He tells stories of struggle, of how he never really felt like he fit in when he was in school. He tells of his roundabout journey to comedy. He tells stories of his tough-as-nails mother who was his disciplinarian, his ro...