Codename Villanelle | Luke Jennings

Title: Codename Villanelle
Author: Luke Jennings

I was really excited to read this book, and I was extremely disappointed. I really enjoyed the first season of the show, but this is one of those cases where the show is better than the book. I found the sparse writing style to be ineffective and honestly boring. I felt like the story didn't go very far. It was a chore to read, and that made me sad since I was so eager to read it.

I'm going to continue with Book 2 later, hoping that it gets better. But, for now, I give Book 1 two out of five stars.

"Someone who could get up in the morning, make coffee, choose what to wear, and then go out and cold-bloodedly put a total stranger to death. Did you have to be some kind of anomalous, psychopathic freak to do that? Did you have to be born that way? Or could any woman, correctly programmed, be turned into a professional executioner?"

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