Boys of Brayshaw High | Meagan Brandy
Title: Boys of Brayshaw High
Author: Meagan Brandy
Author: Meagan Brandy I have read some awful garbage in my life. Remember I read Nora Roberts a couple months back? This is worse. This is so much worse.
I don't even know where to begin. Ugh. Okay, there are so many sentences in this book that don't even make sense. The book is told from the perspective of two different characters who just so happen to have the same voice. Like if you don't pay attention to the chapter headers that let you know who's speaking, you would not be able to tell. Then there's the fact that the entire plot is completely unrealistic and makes no sense. Also, the main male character, Maddoc, is a total domineering jerk, but I think we're supposed to like him.
I honestly feel like I'm dumber for having read this book.
Time to find new garbage to read.
Two out of five stars.
"People who can lay their heads down and fall asleep with ease don't understand the struggle or how bad those of us who can't wish we could. They don't know what it's like to lay awake at night and replay minutes of your life, wondering what you could or should have done differently. Or how you could be better at something or fearing what comes next. Sometimes it's even as simple as playing a movie back in your head, anything to fill the hours."
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