The Waste Lands | Stephen King

Title: The Waste Lands
Author: Stephen King

The Dark Tower series continues to get better. Book III has been the best thus far. Eddie and Susannah are such a pleasure to read, and it's nice to have Jake back in the mix. Roland is loosening up, so he's more fun to read, too. There are a wealth of new characters to enjoy, among which include the Tick-Tock Man and Blaine the Mono. They continue on their journey toward the Dark Tower with a number of hitches in their plans. I am eager to continue this series.

Five out of five stars.

Written in My Own Heart's Blood by Diana Gabaldon: 76%
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn: 32%
Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin: 68%
The Dark Bones by Loreth Anne White: 60%
Needful Things by Stephen King: NOW STARTING


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