Fault Line | Barry Eisler

Title: Fault Line
Author: Barry Eisler

Book Seven in the John Rain Series also says "Ben Treven Book 3," so I figured I should read the first two Ben Treven books before I moved on to the seventh John Rain.

The first two thirds of this book was absolutely miserable for me. I didn't like Ben. I didn't like Alex. And I really didn't like Sarah. Also, the plot was extremely predictable up to the end. No surprise twists. I think maybe it was supposed to be a surprise, but it wasn't.

I think this book was also a huge letdown, because when you read the John Rain books, John has such a strong voice and such a strong presence that you really feel like you're there in the story. This book was severely lacking in that regard.

This was really almost a two-star review, but Ben became more likable by the end of the book, and that's the only thing that saved it. Hopefully, Book Two will be better.

Three out of five stars.

An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon: 33%
Silent Crime by W.L. Knightly: 86%
The Dark Half by Stephen King: 4%
Inside Out by Barry Eisler: JUST STARTING


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