The Fiery Cross | Diana Gabaldon

Title: The Fiery Cross
Author: Diana Gabaldon

This is the fifth installment in the Outlander series, and I have to say that it's the first one that I haven't loved. Don't get me wrong, I still really liked it. Gabaldon is a great writer, and I'm always thoroughly impressed at the amount of research she puts into her books. Being from North Carolina, it's fun to see familiar settings.

As a bit of historical background (and this is explained in the book), the Fiery Cross (or Crann Tara, in Gaelic) was an ancient form of communication between the Scottish clans. It was used as a way to get the clans to gather together. It would only be used in a situation of great importance. The way Gabaldon brings this Scottish tradition to colonial America is fantastic and, frankly, awe-inspiring. I really respect her as a writer.

When all is said and done, though, this book had some really slow spots, and though it ends in a good place, I had to really work to read through some not-so-interesting stuff to get there. I'm still excited to start the next installment today. This book gets four out of five stars from me.


Reading Progress: 
  • The Tommyknockers by Stephen King: 17%
  • Hate Notes by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward: 70%
  • The Road Beyond Ruin by Gemma Liviero: 66%
  • A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon: Starting Now

DON'T FORGET to like the Facebook page for news about this month's giveaway, to be announced on Saturday, December 15!


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