Choosing Me | Bill Weber

Title: Choosing Me Author: Bill Weber This is a post of firsts, as this is the first poetry book I've reviewed on this blog as well as the first book that I've been asked to review by its writer for this blog. I started out my writing career as a poet (in fact, I still maintain a poetry page over on Hello Poetry ), so I am a huge fan of poetry in general, and I was very excited to get asked to review someone's book. This became awkward when it became quickly apparent that I did not like the poetry in this book at all. It had a couple of fine moments, most specifically found in "Fountains of Heaven," toward the end. The writer overuses several words, such as "feminine' and "sensuous." I cringed when he said "anxiousness" instead of "anxiety." I recognize that "anxiousness" is technically an established word, but "anxiety" just sounds so much better. In fact, this writer was a big fan of just ta...