Whisper Me This | Kerry Anne King

Title: Whisper Me This
Author: Kerry Anne King

I got Whisper Me This on Amazon's First Reads in July. It had just came out, and it had good reviews. I have a pretty extensive To Be Read pile, so I don't generally get to new books right away, but this one seemed so promising that I decided to jump it to the top of the list. I was really disappointed.

The story is okay, though it's a bit predictable. My two biggest problems with the book are that the author doesn't seem to have any understanding of the proper use of commas and that the characters are far too one-dimensional to be interesting. The only parts of the book that I truly enjoyed were the excerpts from Leah's journal. To be completely honest, I would have far preferred to have the story be about her rather than having it be about her daughter. She was more complex, and her story was devastating. I think the book would have had more impact if it was more about Leah.

All in all, it wasn't terrible, so I say 3 out of 5 stars. 


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