Cell | Stephen King
Title: Cell Author: Stephen King Stephen King. The name conjures images of masterful storytelling, chilling suspense, and characters that burrow their way into your soul. He's crafted some of the best stories ever written, tales that have shaped the landscape of modern horror. And then there's Cell. About halfway through this book, I remember thinking, "Wow, this must be what diarrhea reads like." And no, I'm not being intentionally crude for shock value. That's genuinely the most apt description I can muster for the experience of reading this book. It's a messy, unpleasant, and ultimately unsatisfying slog. The premise--a cell phone signal turns people into homicidal maniacs--had potential. King is a master of taking the mundane and twisting it into something terrifying. But in Cell, the execution falls spectacularly flat. The characters are largely forgettable, the plot meanders aimlessly, and the violence feels gratuitous rather than genuinely scary. It...