
Showing posts from March, 2024

Weyward | Emilia Hart

Hey everyone, Meg here! Today, we're diving into Emilia Hart's 2023 novel, Weyward .  This book promised a multi-generational story of strong women, but unfortunately, it fell flat for me in a number of ways. The idea of female empowerment through overcoming adversity is a powerful one. However, Weyward relies heavily on male abuse as the central source of that adversity. While this is a reality for many women, and the book isn't to blame for that, it felt repetitive and lacked the nuance a 2023 release should have. Frankly, it came across as derivative of works like Practical Magic , but without the fun. Weyward throws a relentless amount of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse at its female characters. These women are isolated and have almost no support system, facing truly vile men with zero redeeming qualities. The suspense builds towards moments where these women's safety is in question, and honestly, that was a drag to read. Perhaps Weyward aimed to be a revenge ...

I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist | Norman Geisler & Frank Turek

Title: I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist Authors: Norman Geisler & Frank Turek In I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist , Norman Geisler and Frank Turek argue that Christianity provides the most logical explanation for our existence. They tackle big questions like the origin of the universe (cosmological argument), the idea of the universe being designed for us (teleological argument), and the connection between morality and a divine lawgiver (moral argument). The book delves right into the cosmological argument, acknowledging the Big Bang theory. The authors ask what caused this beginning. Their explanation hinges on a concept of "nothingness" that clashes with modern physics. For a deeper understanding, check out Lawrence Krauss's A Universe from Nothing . The teleological argument has two parts: universal design and biological design. The "fine-tuning" argument suggests the universe is perfectly suited for life. This seems to ignore ...

A Court of Thorns and Roses | Sarah J. Maas

Title: A Court of Thorns and Roses Author: Sarah J. Maas Hey readers! Buckle up, because it's time for my much-delayed take on the "iconic" A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. Honestly, the hype left me scratching my head. Growling? Purring? Is this a romance novel or a cat convention? First impressions? Not great. As the opening salvo in a series, this book felt like a damp firework. The world-building was, well, meh, and the characters seemed to function on the shared processing power of a toaster oven. (And that's being generous!) Then came the "riddle." Now, I consider myself a champion of strong female leads, but Feyre seriously tested my patience. I was this close to launching the book across the room when she couldn't decipher the riddle. Seriously, Feyre? I'm pretty sure I solved it before she even finished reading it. Rhysand? More like Sighsand. This dude's entire thought process seemed to reside south of the border, and every...

A Grimm Decision | Jeffery H. Haskell

Title: A Grimm Decision Author: Jeffery H. Haskell While the first five installments of Jeffery H. Haskell's Grimm's War series captivated me with their fast-paced action, intriguing plots, and resourceful protagonist, A Grimm Decision falls disappointingly short. The narrative, which previously thrived on twists and turns, feels predictable and often drags, lacking the tension that kept me glued to the pages in the previous books. Several character choices felt frustratingly illogical, particularly the use of the Perez sisters. Haskell could have used them to create a much more compelling plot instead of killing them off a little over halfway through the book. These elements combined with the lack of seeing Jacob Grimm's usual creative battle strategy, made it difficult to connect with the story and its characters. Despite my disappointment, I acknowledge that some readers might still enjoy familiar characters and the series' overall setting. However, for fans expecti...