Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | J.K. Rowling

Title: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Author: J.K. Rowling I first read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone about 20 years ago, when I was in the eighth grade at Dobbins Middle School in Powder Springs, GA. I liked it, but for whatever reason, I was never motivated to continue reading the series. Here I am, a grown woman, finally continuing with Book 2. Even though I find J.K. Rowling problematic as a person, I'm not disappointed in reading this book. I've heard a lot of people say that this is their least favorite book in the series. I had seen the movie before, so I knew basically what was going to happen, but I really enjoyed reading this far more than I remember enjoying the first book. It was a really quick, easy read, and the shenanigans Harry and Ron got into were delightful. I also enjoyed reading about Ginny, who has a much larger presence in the book than in the movie. I'm not normally a YA reader, but this was fun. I also liked thinking about how m...