
Showing posts from October, 2020

Desperation | Stephen King

Title: Desperation Author: Stephen King On my journey through Stephen King, this is the first book that can solidly be placed in the horror genre since Needful Things. That said, only the first half of the book is truly scary. Collie Entragian is freaking terrifying, and the creepy animals also messed me up pretty bad. In the second half of the book, it starts to get pretty religious. I don't mind the Bible references, but they are objectively pretty heavy-handed and overtake the story. I breezed through the first half, but the second half was a chore to get through, not because of the religious aspect, but just because the plot suddenly slows way down, and I could not focus on it at all. My attention span hasn't been great lately (hence the gaps between posting reviews), and the slow pace definitely did not help. Anyway, the first half was awesome, and that's what saves this book. I give it three out of five stars. ---------------------------------------- QUOTES: "Dol...

Too Much and Never Enough | Mary L. Trump

Title: Too Much and Never Enough Author: Mary L. Trump This book isn't particularly good and lacks any real revelations about Donald Trump. We are told what we already knew--that Fred Trump, Donald Trump's father, was basically the worst. He was the source of the abhorrent behavior that we see on a near daily basis. The author tells us that the family would sit around the dinner table and, for instance, talk about how nasty and fat women were. The way she tells it, she seems to have empathy for Donald. We are all, after all, products of our parents, but she fails to place responsibility solely on the shoulders of Donald. We all have the responsibility to better ourselves; we can only blame our parents to a point. To me, it felt like this book was retaliation for being disinherited. The author tells us how, after her father's death, she and her brother were removed from her grandfather's will and denied her father's share of her grandfather's estate. That said, t...