
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Green Mile | Stephen King

Title: The Green Mile Author: Stephen King ,  I would first like to say that typing this review is quite laborious, as I have a broken right hand. Please forgive typos. I try to fix them as I catch them. The Green Mile is Stephen King at his finest. He doesn't rely heavily on the supernatural (though it does exist to a certain extent). The characters are well-rounded and fleshed-out, from Paul Edgecomb, a prison guard, to John Coffey, a death row inmate who is innocent of his crime. The antagonist, Percy Wetmore, is despicable, and King does a great job making the reader hate him.  Mostly, this is a story of tragedy with a tinge of hope. Tears are likely shed by most readers (but not me--I don't cry much). I haven't seen the Tom Hanks movie, but I really would like to see it now. For the casual reader, I would recommend this as a good first introduction to Stephen King. He occasionally hits a home run, and he really did so with this one. Five out of five stars from me! ----...

The Time I Met Isabel Allende

and looked like a total fool.