Razor's Edge | Martha Wells

Title: Razor's Edge Author: Martha Wells I really wanted to like this book. As I've mentioned before, I'm much more of a Star Trek fan, but I like Star Wars, too. And I adore Princess Leia. This book takes place between Episodes IV and V, with the Rebels working on building their secret base on Hoth. Sounds promising, right? Wrong. This book is so boring, I would literally fall asleep reading it. Nightly. Within minutes. I don't know how I ever finished it. I don't really have a whole lot to say about it other than it didn't really feel much like a Star Wars book. Leia was action-wise convincingly portrayed, but her inner thoughts and inability to write off some Alderaanian pirates for what they were did not feel like the Leia I knew. The pirates and redeemed Alderaanians and the Imperial folks are virtually indistinguishable from one another, which makes it very confusing to read. I'm already not a huge fan of Luke, but he was especially pathetic in this ...